Saturday, April 12, 2003

What is going on around here lately? It's after mid-term, aren't things supposed to start lightening up? dumcat, stop blogging and tagging using my name and at my house. And you made my brother yell at me, grr.

Blah...Phone Booth was good...I liked Farrell. You've got to love those Irish boys, so HOT and so bad! Wahaha!

Thanks, Antagonist, for making me feel better about that Saturday thing. I'm still undecided as of now though =)

I really don't have anything to blog. Actually I've got this weird feeling that lately I've been annoying to people. Could possibly be because of my quickness to anger or just my plain weirdness but I can feel it.

Kobe actually ate today and ate A LOT! I don't understand it. Everyone tries to feed Kobe everything imaginable and he just refuses to eat it. Peter comes over, toasts a piece of bread and Kobe's automatically waiting for a taste of that toast. And not only that but he ate 5 slices of toast, with butter and cheese! Then he ate another one and a half cups of dog food! And he ate a dog biscuit! He was so completely refusing to eat all these things before! What, does Peter have some special magic over dogs or something? Maybe you're right and it's just that his teeth were hurting him? He does have bad teeth...anyway, thanks for feeding him. I hope this keeps up!

Friday, April 11, 2003 something else to add. In addition to tailz's blog and in response to the class discussion. We kinda had an impromptu discussion about school and marks today. Mostly it focused about economics class but it so applied to every other subject. Anyway, it's known that economics is supposed to be a bird course. It always has been at other schools because it was under the history department they only care about normative economics. People are getting nineties in that course with no problem. However, it's so different at UHS. Econ is known as one of the hardest courses and my once full class is now sitting half-empty. Why the huge difference? Well, mainly cuz econ in other schools is all about memorizing facts about economists and theories and stuff like that, where at UHS, it's about applying ur knowledge to real-life society, which is so much harder. You're no longer spitting out information you've memorized, you're now required to extrapolate and apply what you know to real-life situations.

Yes, everyone has been about marks lately and I don't blame them. Lots of people don't like Rine cuz they think she's too hard and that she makes fun of her students. Personally, I think that she wouldn't even be verbally sparring with people if she didn't even like the person in the first place. It's like when you have little teasings b/w u and ur frens. And yeah, my marks in her class (uh...last year) weren't as high as my other courses but I was so proud of my mark because I knew I actually worked for it instead of just memorizing facts and spitting them back out come test and exam time. Back to what tailz said in his blog, sure, marks are important, but learning is so much more so.

Yeah, I do concentrate tons on marks but I wish I didn't have to. I'd rather learn and get low marks than not learn and get high marks. However, the pressure on us to do well is really just too great. Especially for UHS students, when it's known throughout, even at Universities, that our school is harder than others. As Christie said in class, Shazeen works thrice as hard as her other friend in Brother Andre and yet their averages are the same.

Honestly, Canada needs a standard grading and evaluation system. Something like the SATs that they have in the states. Honestly, how can you compare people by their marks when the discrepancy is so large! Like, it's known that UHS is hard, therefore, lower averages. Private schools sell marks and students are considered more there's "prestige". Other schools, like MDHS, and Markville are super easy, thus high averages.

I hate the education system. I forgot who said this but I find it so true. Actually I think it was from Mr. Best, my english teacher last semester. Why did Ontario conform their education system to those of other Canadian provinces when Ontario students were doing better in life? Maybe it seemed "embarassing" to have 13 grades while everyone else had 12 but it worked! People had the time to mature more, understand the concepts, and they had more time to decide where to go in life. Now, everyone's rushed, the double cohort is inevitable and everyone has this feeling of doom hanging over their heads. Maybe if they planned this new curriculum more thoroughly before implementing it, the situation wouldn't be as bad as it is now. Why the rush in the first place? The double cohort could have been avoided. Students, teachers, and everyone else could have been more prepared to learn and teach the new curriculum.

Anyways, my blabberings are done. They were in no logical order and probably made no sense. Oh how I wish I was one of those "organized thoughts" typa people.

For some reason, I've got this huge headache originating from the front of my head (forehead) and I dunno why I have it. One thing I've realized that is that today, perhaps even earlier, I've been getting annoyed and angry very easily. Like, the smallest little thing in people are totally setting me off and turning me into Ms. Dragon Bitch Lady for the duration of the minute or so that I'm actually able to stay mad. Wonder what's going on. And for those of you who like to blame these things on PMS, it's not PMS. Screwy hormones, maybe. PMS, no.

I've got a huge economics report due next Monday but I can't get myself to care enough about it to actually work. Well, the report is done cuz the draft had to be handed in Monday but it was a really bad job considering I did it in a total of maybe 6 hours. I'd say that's a pretty good production rate considering it's 15 pages long, double spaced, and over 4 500 words. And it doesn't have very many grammar mistakes either! Woot. Although, I seem to be missing a whole lot. There's just too much about globalization to keep it all in an 8-page report. Though maybe I should talk about how it's affected communications and mixed cultures.

Anyway, that went totally off-topic. What I wanted to say was that reading over the draft that Fiona had correct, I got so angry because the citations and the works cited were so horribly wrong! I mean, I usually don't get angry over these little things but they were making me like steaming mad! Weird, though the minute of anger did pass quickly.

Dad's back. I'm not infectious, people and he doesn't need to go into quarantine cuz he's spent the last two weeks in South Vietnam, where there hasn't been any SARS. I'm still feeling a little cautious though. Kobe's not eating again. And the weird thing is, last week, he actually looked kinda fat to me but now he's starting to look stick thin again. They're (my family) saying this could be the last time...

Supposed to be going to AhGer's b-day thing tomorrow cept I dunno where it's at, when it's at, and how i'm going to get there. With my dad back, I prolly won't get a car to drive now. Speaking of driving, it's honestly pissing me off that people are asking me to go shopping with them on Saturday merely because they don't have enough room in one car. Like really, way to make it obvious you want to use someone for their car! And who says I have a car to drive in the first place? What if I don't have a car? Care to cram another person into the already too-full car? I didn't want to go and yet people are practically forcing me to go.

I'm sleeping now, it's getting late. And I'm getting angry again just thinking about that so I'm not going to think about it now. Buh bye

Thursday, April 10, 2003

Ok, went through some blogs and found it amazing how philosophical people can get while writing a blog entry. And really, they must use such proper grammar and an extensive vocabulary to get their throughts across. Really, does anyone really have thoughts that are so well-thought through or do they write the entries beforehand, read it over, edit it, and then post and publish it? Maybe it's just me but when I think, my thoughts aren't in such good order. They usually fly about in a chaotic mess while I try to remember everything and get it down on paper (

Nice and warm today. Though that means no more ice, poo... oh how I'll be reminiscing about those couple days on the ice.

You know what I hate? People who tell you they have a girlfriend and then refuse to tell you who she is. I mean, really, why mention you have a girlfriend in the first place if you don't want people to know who you're girlfriend is? Is there a point? And really, how do I really know you have a girlfriend if you don't give any verifiable proof of who she is? So frustrating! Yeah, probably only dumcat knows what I'm talking about right now since he was there. And since the person I'm talking about doesn't read my blog (or prolly doesn't even know I have one) dumcat can now have the role of the Official Girlfriend Name Searcher-Outter. Actually, since Pita_jr is pretty good friends with this fellow, I'm convinced he knows who it is! Tell me! Tell me! (Just thought of something, blogging about this here that I really want to know will prolly mean that Pita won't tell me. Dammit, I hate when that happens! Oh well, I'm not deleting cuz I want to vent about it).

I crashed and burned at 5th period yesterday and I'm still not out of my slump. I feel asleep in class, yes, Me, I actually fell asleep in class! Yes, I was surprised too. Soo...trying to sleep earlier tonight, woo hoo.

Wednesday, April 09, 2003

a little puzzle for those of you out there. maybe you can apply ur data skills!

Four guys and four girls decided to play a (semi) erotic game. The guys have to sit on a couch, blindfolded, while the ladies took turns giving the guys a peck on the lips. The girls are not allowed to talk and the guys are not allowed to use their hands. The guy who guesses all the ladies in the right order wins and gets to decide who he wants to take home. As they were all dumbasses, no one guessed right and the ladies just laughed in their faces.

But if the guys were even partially intelligent, what is the probability that a guy guesses exactly three of the four girls in the right order?

yay! for once, i actually did only an hour of homework and had it all done! it's been so long since i've had so little to do. feels as if a load has been taken off my shoulder. I actually slept until 10 before i was willing to wake up today. hurrah for me!

i'm so giddy about my accounting mark. highest rine has ever given eh? yay for me! and my calculus mark was higher than i thought it was going to be though i don't understand how i was getting only 77 before the messed up test since i got 80s on my last two tests. poo thing is, my average doesn't go higher cuz my economics mark was lower than i thought it was going to be but at least it's still high. i dun like how she announced it to the class though. yeah! i'm beating shazeen! maybe i can get the economics award! assuming i can beat catty's 91 from last semester unitas. Hmm...think i can boost my mark up that one percent so that i'll at least be equal with her? crossing my fingers*

has anyone realized that the longer you blog, the more normal the entries seem to become? i mean, i used to actually try to make my blogs interesting and insightful but now it's really become a daily journal. some people are just so philosophical in their blogs (ahem, tiff) that it's amazing.

ice sliding again today. yay...hmm...didn't seem as fun as saturday though (*sigh* cherished memories of the fun and injuries). got even more injured today but it was all in good fun. poor flora had her banged knee banged again like 5 more times! it's funny when you see a line of guys all penguining down a hill! everyone owes me money from tim horton's now! btw, antagonist, if ur reading this, i think u still owe me money from michelle's present. i hate chasing after people for money but i'm honestly so low on cash now since everyone conveniently left their wallets and money at home!

blah blah blah, good night!

Monday, April 07, 2003

Wow, I've now got competition for late bloggers but I betcha you don't blog so late on school nights. Yep, see that time attached on this blog? No kidding, it really is. Stupid daylight savings. Wish it really was 3:00 am so that I can work until 4am on that darned report. Man...I'm at 7 pages and I'm ony two-thirds the way through the topics. *sigh* Stupid economics. Yes, I know it's my fault for starting late but then I wouldn't be as productive if I started earlier. I mean, i did...7 pages in what? 5 hours is pretty good duncha think?

tired...hope ice stays, i wanna play. I found many injuries today. Messed up leg-hip joint, messed up toe, bruise on hand, smooshed glassed because of people's big asses falling on my face. But it was worth it to see Pita_Jr and dumcat pulling at each other's underwear and sliding around outside at 2am (technically 3am cuz of daylight savings).

Alrighty, going before I collapse. Sorry I couldn't do the final edit of ur essay, dumcat, but me and tailz already agreed that ur writing is actually really good.

Sunday, April 06, 2003

OMG! I had so much fun today! Honestly, we always have the most fun when we're at Peter's house! Think about it. When we're at spencer's or brad's or mine, we just sit around and talk or watch a movie. But it's like once we get into Peter house, we play! LOL, it's so funnie seeing all you guys getting beat up by each other! TEEN GIRL SQUAD! WEDGIE! LOL, oh it's so funnie seeing Felix and Peter wedgie-ing each other right in front of my face! Has anyone else noticed that the more fun we seem to have, the more injured we get? Oh and seeing Felix fall on the ice countless times! Sorrie Felix but none of the other falls can compare to that first flip you took today!

Eww....I got footed and toed! Honestly, I used to think that Felix had the ugliest feet but they're nothing compared to Peter's! That nail! That darned super long nail! That thing is a dangerous weapon! A warning to everyone out there, stay away from Peter's feet! That nail kept tickling my leg and ew...I got footed in the face like fifty times! Friggin slapper, you're such a woman beater!

Ok, so I didn't really get any revenge on my own but it sufficed to see him get super wedgied by Felix! LOL, now we know to use the double tug technique when you want to wedgie someone! Oh...and Brad and Him rolling around on the floor, looking like a sweet couple when Brad lay atop Him when they rested! *winkz

But the most fun of the night? Perhaps the ice-sliding! LOL, okay, we need to go do that again tomorrow! We need to coordinate our times! And get a rope so that it doesn't take us fifteen minutes to pull 2 people up the hill! Sorrie, we kinda kept you around till 3am (ok 4am if you count daylight savings), but you had fun right? Hope you don't get into too much trouble for that!

Anyways, completely exhausted from all that wrestling and sliding. Hungry too but meh, I'd rather sleep!

Dilemma of the day: Getting the stench of that room and Peter's foot off of me without having to wash my hair and wait 3 hours to sleep.