The Unexpectingly Creepy Commercial
I encountered this Unexpectingly Creepy Commercial some time tonight between my weekly dose of America's Next Top Model and Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. The commercial for Colgate's new MicroSonic toothbrush started out innocently enough. In my mind, I was thinking, "wow, removes two times the plaque as your regular toothbrush, eh? Equals 10 000 strokes a minute, eh? Sounds pretty amazing. And it looks relatively cheap too."
Those poor regular toothbrushes sure have a reason to feel threatened - they don't stand a chance up against Colgate's MicroSonic toothbrush. Then I had a random thought: "what if toothbrushes really did talk?" And that was when the creepiness started seeping into my bones, sending a chill down my spine. Really, what if toothbrushes could talk? What if they had thoughts and feelings, just like how those regular toothbrushes were feeling threatened? Would you put a talking, thinking toothbrush into your mouth? Slather it in toothpaste and proceed to scrubbing it over your teeth? The poor thing would be drowning in foaming toothpaste and spit and all I would hear are its muffled sounds as it tries to scream for air.
Then, of course, reality set back in and I consoled myself into the resolution that toothbrushes are inanimate objects. But could you imagine the devastation talking toothbrushes would cause to the world of oral hygiene and good dental health?
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
"And you are...?" "fei" You just gotta be there.
Song of the Moment: Mariah Carey - We Belong TogetherAbout Me
- Name: j.why
- Location: Markham, Ontario, Canada
Gen Y crafter, stamper, cardmarker, gardener, yogi, grad student, food lover, food activist, and many other things.
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