Tuesday, April 29, 2003

What I don't understand is why can't someone do something for a friend when they really want it. I mean, what negative effect will this have on you? While it brings me relative happiness, it doesn't affect you negatively in the least. So you wanted something and didn't get it, so what? Move on. I've never done any less than encourage you to go for it. True, I've pointed out some "problems" in your plan but I never said don't go for it. If you're so determined to have it, then go for it again. I'll be behind you on it. If you're not going to do it, then why don't you bring me a little bit of happiness and give me what I want? Just because you're unhappy about it, don't bring other people down with you.

Monday, April 28, 2003

Take This Quiz!

Now couldn't they have picked a picture of a pretty Edwardian lady?

Thanks to everyone who came to the Kobe memorial/super-late birthday party for me. It means a lot that to me that my friends care enough about me to do this and they care enough about Kobe. Special thanks to whoever planned this (who I hear is Tailz and Ruby). I guess it pays off to take u guys grocery shopping with me, huh? Mmm...caramel crunch cake.

Next party, we're getting a Bailey's cheesecake for sure.

Speaking of party....prom after-party or no? Who's going to make one? I'm very tempted to give in and say I'll throw one but I know things will turn out bad if I do it. Got my dress commissioned (yay) and it's cheap too! Although the quality isn't as high up there as the place that I was orinally planning on going to, saving myself at least $200 is worth giving up that bit of quality stitching. Besides, this place knows how to bead, which is great for that side trim I wanted. Tables, I hate talking about it, just the word is driving me crazy. I really want to fill my table so that I won't have to stress about it but some of the people that I really want at my table still hasn't decided yet and I'm afraid they're seat(s) are gonna be filled by someone else. I dunno...I jus wanna have a table with my "family."

Calculus test Tuesday. I seem to be semi-ready. Hope I will be ready. I thought I was ready for the last test but I only got 77%. Bombed data test, got 64% but hopefully the re-test will pull me up but darn that one mark. I wish I coulda gotten perfect on that test. Yes, on it's own, it does sound cocky that I say that I should've gotten perfect but when you put it in perspective of how everyone else did on it, I should've gotten perfect!

Anyways...was planning on putting up the clearer image of Kobe but the stupid place where I load my pictures isn't working. You just don't realize how quiet a house can be without a dog. I sometimes turn around expecting him to be lying there, waiting to be petted, but then I remember, "he's not there anymore." I've gone through the last week thinking of things that should've happened if he was around but aren't happening because he is gone. *sigh* I still wonder about whether or not I made the right decision. I know he was in great pain but he seemed so enthusiastic to go on a walk right before we went to the vet. That made me wonder about whether I did the right thing.