Monday, October 20, 2003

aw...I so should be doing my bio lab report now but I totally don't have the motivation to do it! It's so...hard...I dunno, there just seems to be more things to write up than for chem and I don't know where to start! Aagh. Well...what to say...I had a nice convo with Patty-cakes today! Aww, I miss my girl so much! Man, wish I could go to school in Italy! Maybe I can visit her in NYC next summer? That would be good.

Alright, I'm off to warm up my dinner, I'm starved! Man, I'm totally craving V1 caf food. Dunno why, I just find it soo good! LoL, especially those roasted potatoes. But then again, I'm not eating them everyday so of course I find them good! Yay, I get some tomorrow! Woohoo! LOL
