Tuesday, June 07, 2005

This week has not been my best, to say the very least. It's only Tuesday and things have already gotten weird/stressful/just plain bad. How bad? Well let's see:

1. I have three midterms this week. And I can't take a break next week because I have three assignments plus a midterm then. No rest for Julie.

2. I've discovered this scabby thing beside my mouth. Is that a cold sore I see? I better not have the herpes virus. I'd be very disappointed if I did. I mean, I don't share drinks or food with anyone. What is this coming-out-of-nowhere thing? At least if I am going to get the herpes virus, make it so that I get it by making out with a hot guy, geez!

3. My car stalled on me today. I panicked and pouted for about two hours. Then I boosted my battery and it worked again. But my car stalled while I was on my way to buy dinner so no sushi for me tonight. ='(

4. My period is late. My period is never late. I'm on the pill! I'm supposed to be regulated, hello?? I'm not stressed either. Okay, maybe a little stressed (see reason 1) Pregnant? I have been getting headaches lately. Riiiight...I've got herpes and I'm pregnant but I haven't made out with anyone and I haven't had sex...like ever.

And last but not least...

5. I live in a sauna. How I wish I was joking or exaggerating but I'm not. The temperature in my apartment has been consistently at or above 28 C. Gee, it's only spring too. Gosh, I wish I had air conditioning.

So, I've still got four more days to go before this week is over. Juuussst greeaaatt -_-"

Footnote: I did have one highlight of the week though. Me and Cynthia saved a rabbit from certain death. I spotted it across the parking lot, sitting on the balcony of the apartment across from us. We then broke into the apartment, put the bunny back into its box and then quietly left. But we accidentally let the bunny into its owner's room and it peed on the bed (oops).


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