Saturday, April 23, 2005

To the two hot guys in the beat up minivan pulling a trailer that was waiting for the lights to change at the corner of Woodbine Avenue and Highway 7, thank you for making my day. I was the girl in the green Toyota Camry stopped in front of your car that almost caused a traffic accident because I was too busy staring into my rearview mirror to pay attention to what was in front of me.

You were both hot in your own ways. You, in the driver seat with your sunglasses and blond hair, do you purposely wear those sunglasses on a not-so-sunny day because you know how cute they make you look? And you, in the passenger seat, that goatee and brown hair is seriously sexy, even to a girl who's usually not into facial hair. Were you put on this earth to ease my day because heaven knew that I was going crazy from driving in rush hour traffic for the last four months?

Did you notice the Asian girl ignoring the rest of traffic because she was too busy boring holes into her rearview mirror with her gaze? It broke my heart when you had to make a left turn and I couldn't stare at you two any longer.

I'll be looking forward (or backwards) to our next encounter. If you see the girl in a green Toyota Camry weaving crazily through traffic, remember to wave and say hi.


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