During the resizing of the originally humongous picture, it got blurry.
Harry Pawter, Hawaiian-style
My sister left a cup of soy bean milk in her bedroom for so long that she made tofu! It went bad and completely solidified! LOL, I find that so funny and yet disgusting at the same time.
You know which university is annoying me? MacMaster. Now really, they send people these big envelopes stuffed full of stuff and make them think they got accepted but you know what? They just play them like fools! There's no acceptance, just more information about the programs that they applied for and stuff about entrance scholarships. Really, was that not something they could do using smaller envelopes and using less stuff to bulk up the envelopes? Like really *rolls eyes*
I'm trying to look for my Harry Pawter picture and can't seem to find it to put it up.
Feeling...sad...I had to put Kobe down today...I know it's for the best and he's supposed to be in a better place now but I can't help but miss him. I walk out of my bedroom expecting to hear him get up and greet me but he's not there and he'll never be anymore. I wish I had someone there with me so that I didn't have to do it alone. He just went so easily...so fight, no crying...he didn't even move...I don't know...you expect something or someone dead to somehow look different but he looked the same...that made it so much harder to let go. I wish I could have a private cremation and take his ashes home...too bad my parents don't want that.
If you really liked someone, would you tell them?
If the person you liked was almost a complete stranger, someone you don't talk to but admire from afar, would you dredge up the courage to go up to them and open up your heart? What if they laugh in your face?
If the person you liked was a really close friend, someone you have your laughs and tears with, would you take a risk and tell them how you really feel? What if they don't want your friendship anymore after that?
What is love? Is it real? Does it have an age limit?
Does love exist for people our age? Us, in our teenage years, when everything else changes so constantly, how can we so nonchalantly use such a powerful word as love? Thinking five years down the road, maybe not even one year, do you see yourself with the same person you are with now? What does love feel like, does anyone know?
It always gets me so depressed to talk about relationships with people. At least they have had past bf/gfs to complain about and at least they've had people interested in them, even though they weren't interested in the person. What have I had? Nothing...I know...it always sounds so shallow when I talk about this because it sounds more like I want a boyfriend for the sake of having a boyfriend instead of the genuine thing, but it isn't. Do I like someone? Maybe, maybe not...it's not something I can tell people...all I can say is that liking someone has never brught me anything except for deep pain. All I want is to for once have a guy I like like me back...it's so hard going through a day seeing people being so affectionate and so caring towards their bfs/gfs while I have nothing.
Prom's stressing me out...I don't even know if I have enough time now to make a dress...and what's going to happen with the tables? Everything seemed to work out fine but then people start saying they aren't going, others start moving around to other tables, people who were included in the table don't want to be at the table. Everybody's expecting me to throw the after-party when I really don't want to and now I feel guilty for not throwing it. The limos are pissing me off because having a limobus will be a fun thing for a bunch of people but some people have to be so picky about it. People know I really want a date of my own and yet they can't even be nice enough to go with me so flora could go with felix, or to go with flora so that felix could be my date. Everything about everything has been pissing me off.
Speaking of being pissed off, it really pisses me off when I'm trying to sleep and people are literally kicking me out of my OWN bed. What is that about? And people don't even feel any guilt about it. And yet, when I saw the perfect chance to kick them off the bed, I ended up feeling so guilty about it because I was afraid I'd hurt someone.
Honestly, I know I sound depressed all the time but I'm not. I was in the greatest mood this afternoon even though everything we set out to do didn't work out because the weather was so nice outside. I wish we coulda had one of our park nights...I miss having the chance to just sit and talk with people. You really have no idea how much you've missed of their lives until you've sat down and really talked to them.