Sunday, April 20, 2003

If you really liked someone, would you tell them?

If the person you liked was almost a complete stranger, someone you don't talk to but admire from afar, would you dredge up the courage to go up to them and open up your heart? What if they laugh in your face?

If the person you liked was a really close friend, someone you have your laughs and tears with, would you take a risk and tell them how you really feel? What if they don't want your friendship anymore after that?

What is love? Is it real? Does it have an age limit?

Does love exist for people our age? Us, in our teenage years, when everything else changes so constantly, how can we so nonchalantly use such a powerful word as love? Thinking five years down the road, maybe not even one year, do you see yourself with the same person you are with now? What does love feel like, does anyone know?


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