Friday, April 11, 2003 something else to add. In addition to tailz's blog and in response to the class discussion. We kinda had an impromptu discussion about school and marks today. Mostly it focused about economics class but it so applied to every other subject. Anyway, it's known that economics is supposed to be a bird course. It always has been at other schools because it was under the history department they only care about normative economics. People are getting nineties in that course with no problem. However, it's so different at UHS. Econ is known as one of the hardest courses and my once full class is now sitting half-empty. Why the huge difference? Well, mainly cuz econ in other schools is all about memorizing facts about economists and theories and stuff like that, where at UHS, it's about applying ur knowledge to real-life society, which is so much harder. You're no longer spitting out information you've memorized, you're now required to extrapolate and apply what you know to real-life situations.

Yes, everyone has been about marks lately and I don't blame them. Lots of people don't like Rine cuz they think she's too hard and that she makes fun of her students. Personally, I think that she wouldn't even be verbally sparring with people if she didn't even like the person in the first place. It's like when you have little teasings b/w u and ur frens. And yeah, my marks in her class (uh...last year) weren't as high as my other courses but I was so proud of my mark because I knew I actually worked for it instead of just memorizing facts and spitting them back out come test and exam time. Back to what tailz said in his blog, sure, marks are important, but learning is so much more so.

Yeah, I do concentrate tons on marks but I wish I didn't have to. I'd rather learn and get low marks than not learn and get high marks. However, the pressure on us to do well is really just too great. Especially for UHS students, when it's known throughout, even at Universities, that our school is harder than others. As Christie said in class, Shazeen works thrice as hard as her other friend in Brother Andre and yet their averages are the same.

Honestly, Canada needs a standard grading and evaluation system. Something like the SATs that they have in the states. Honestly, how can you compare people by their marks when the discrepancy is so large! Like, it's known that UHS is hard, therefore, lower averages. Private schools sell marks and students are considered more there's "prestige". Other schools, like MDHS, and Markville are super easy, thus high averages.

I hate the education system. I forgot who said this but I find it so true. Actually I think it was from Mr. Best, my english teacher last semester. Why did Ontario conform their education system to those of other Canadian provinces when Ontario students were doing better in life? Maybe it seemed "embarassing" to have 13 grades while everyone else had 12 but it worked! People had the time to mature more, understand the concepts, and they had more time to decide where to go in life. Now, everyone's rushed, the double cohort is inevitable and everyone has this feeling of doom hanging over their heads. Maybe if they planned this new curriculum more thoroughly before implementing it, the situation wouldn't be as bad as it is now. Why the rush in the first place? The double cohort could have been avoided. Students, teachers, and everyone else could have been more prepared to learn and teach the new curriculum.

Anyways, my blabberings are done. They were in no logical order and probably made no sense. Oh how I wish I was one of those "organized thoughts" typa people.


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