Wednesday, April 09, 2003

yay! for once, i actually did only an hour of homework and had it all done! it's been so long since i've had so little to do. feels as if a load has been taken off my shoulder. I actually slept until 10 before i was willing to wake up today. hurrah for me!

i'm so giddy about my accounting mark. highest rine has ever given eh? yay for me! and my calculus mark was higher than i thought it was going to be though i don't understand how i was getting only 77 before the messed up test since i got 80s on my last two tests. poo thing is, my average doesn't go higher cuz my economics mark was lower than i thought it was going to be but at least it's still high. i dun like how she announced it to the class though. yeah! i'm beating shazeen! maybe i can get the economics award! assuming i can beat catty's 91 from last semester unitas. Hmm...think i can boost my mark up that one percent so that i'll at least be equal with her? crossing my fingers*

has anyone realized that the longer you blog, the more normal the entries seem to become? i mean, i used to actually try to make my blogs interesting and insightful but now it's really become a daily journal. some people are just so philosophical in their blogs (ahem, tiff) that it's amazing.

ice sliding again today. yay...hmm...didn't seem as fun as saturday though (*sigh* cherished memories of the fun and injuries). got even more injured today but it was all in good fun. poor flora had her banged knee banged again like 5 more times! it's funny when you see a line of guys all penguining down a hill! everyone owes me money from tim horton's now! btw, antagonist, if ur reading this, i think u still owe me money from michelle's present. i hate chasing after people for money but i'm honestly so low on cash now since everyone conveniently left their wallets and money at home!

blah blah blah, good night!


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