Friday, April 11, 2003

For some reason, I've got this huge headache originating from the front of my head (forehead) and I dunno why I have it. One thing I've realized that is that today, perhaps even earlier, I've been getting annoyed and angry very easily. Like, the smallest little thing in people are totally setting me off and turning me into Ms. Dragon Bitch Lady for the duration of the minute or so that I'm actually able to stay mad. Wonder what's going on. And for those of you who like to blame these things on PMS, it's not PMS. Screwy hormones, maybe. PMS, no.

I've got a huge economics report due next Monday but I can't get myself to care enough about it to actually work. Well, the report is done cuz the draft had to be handed in Monday but it was a really bad job considering I did it in a total of maybe 6 hours. I'd say that's a pretty good production rate considering it's 15 pages long, double spaced, and over 4 500 words. And it doesn't have very many grammar mistakes either! Woot. Although, I seem to be missing a whole lot. There's just too much about globalization to keep it all in an 8-page report. Though maybe I should talk about how it's affected communications and mixed cultures.

Anyway, that went totally off-topic. What I wanted to say was that reading over the draft that Fiona had correct, I got so angry because the citations and the works cited were so horribly wrong! I mean, I usually don't get angry over these little things but they were making me like steaming mad! Weird, though the minute of anger did pass quickly.

Dad's back. I'm not infectious, people and he doesn't need to go into quarantine cuz he's spent the last two weeks in South Vietnam, where there hasn't been any SARS. I'm still feeling a little cautious though. Kobe's not eating again. And the weird thing is, last week, he actually looked kinda fat to me but now he's starting to look stick thin again. They're (my family) saying this could be the last time...

Supposed to be going to AhGer's b-day thing tomorrow cept I dunno where it's at, when it's at, and how i'm going to get there. With my dad back, I prolly won't get a car to drive now. Speaking of driving, it's honestly pissing me off that people are asking me to go shopping with them on Saturday merely because they don't have enough room in one car. Like really, way to make it obvious you want to use someone for their car! And who says I have a car to drive in the first place? What if I don't have a car? Care to cram another person into the already too-full car? I didn't want to go and yet people are practically forcing me to go.

I'm sleeping now, it's getting late. And I'm getting angry again just thinking about that so I'm not going to think about it now. Buh bye


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