Saturday, April 12, 2003

What is going on around here lately? It's after mid-term, aren't things supposed to start lightening up? dumcat, stop blogging and tagging using my name and at my house. And you made my brother yell at me, grr.

Blah...Phone Booth was good...I liked Farrell. You've got to love those Irish boys, so HOT and so bad! Wahaha!

Thanks, Antagonist, for making me feel better about that Saturday thing. I'm still undecided as of now though =)

I really don't have anything to blog. Actually I've got this weird feeling that lately I've been annoying to people. Could possibly be because of my quickness to anger or just my plain weirdness but I can feel it.

Kobe actually ate today and ate A LOT! I don't understand it. Everyone tries to feed Kobe everything imaginable and he just refuses to eat it. Peter comes over, toasts a piece of bread and Kobe's automatically waiting for a taste of that toast. And not only that but he ate 5 slices of toast, with butter and cheese! Then he ate another one and a half cups of dog food! And he ate a dog biscuit! He was so completely refusing to eat all these things before! What, does Peter have some special magic over dogs or something? Maybe you're right and it's just that his teeth were hurting him? He does have bad teeth...anyway, thanks for feeding him. I hope this keeps up!


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