Tuesday, June 10, 2003

Me...totally stressed, tons of school stuff in the week right before exams. I don't even have time to start studying yet. But then again, I've really been slacking the last couple weeks and haven't been working as much as I should. Yeah, I know you don't like hearing but universities, Bradley, but I need to talk a bit about it. I'm honestly really confused and don't know where I want to go, or what I want to do for that matter. So I guess I'll make this a pretty long post and tell you my possiblities and you guys gimme some advice ok?

Firstly, my top 3 choices are Western, UT, and Waterloo (assuming they reassess me and accept me). If I become a dermatologist, I'll go to Western because they're science program streams you into their medical school and only their medical school has dermatology. But, what if I don't want to become a doctor? What if I go in and decide after one year they I don't want to do anything in the science or medical field? What can I do then if I go to Western? Also, not many people are going there. Known to have an easy science program that's also recognized to be good.

UT, very competitive school overall. I'll prolly end up with a lower average here than anywhere else. But if I become a pharmacist, I can apply for and transfer into the pharmacy program after first year and UT has a good pharmacy program. But, I got bumped down into New College which has the crappiest rez on campus. Most of my girls are staying in the Toronto area too. If I wanna switch programs, UT prolly offers the most variety for me to choose from.

Finally, Waterloo. I applied to this program because I thought that co-op would help me. Knowing myself, there prolly isn't any other way I can motivate myself to look for a job. But now they won't let students work in hospitals or any other medical place, so what does that leave me? Find a job as a lab assistant? Then again, being a lab assistant is a job that's more in the science/medical field than being a retail sales person for four months, right? And putting down lab assistant on a medical school application looks way better than clothing retailer. Also, they have suite-style apartments. Aside from that, tons, and I mean, TONS, of people are going to school at either Waterloo or Laurier and I'll have tons of friends there.

So, what to do? What to do? I know, work on stupid economics boardgame.