Friday, April 18, 2003

Still feeling guilty about the car though it technically wasn't my fault. Think we should try to at least fix the visible part of it? Thinking back on it, I can picture the damage in my head and it does not look good. The fact that I got off so easily makes me even more guilty about it. At least if he'd yelled at me, I'd have something to be resentful about.

Just finished a Japanese movie about ping pong, called "Ping Pong" (wow, how appropriate). The main characters were pretty cute guys. Peco looked so good in the end with his longish buzz cut. I can't believe the writers of this movie were able to put so much emotion and story behind the game. I mean, the game's called ping pong (ok, and table tennis but that's beside the point), how serious can a game with a name like that get? Really, are some people really that into the game? Maybe I'm just too North American to really get into the game.

Have you ever had so much love in your heart that you felt like it was about to burst? This constant swelling of feeling that makes your smile radiate brilliant light, your eyes well up like lakes of tears, but never take you somewhere in between? With love, there is no equilibrium. The constant push and pull of jealousy versus contentment will see to that.

Tuesday, April 15, 2003

Woohoo! 136! Borderline High! I've still got the touch.

*licks finger, touches shoulder*

*sizzle sizzle*

Waha! Waha! Calling yourself sexy doesn't mean that you really are. Saying something and being/doing something are two completely separate things. And why is sexy always written like that? Constantly needing to reassure oneself of his/her worth is an indication of low self-confidence, waha waha waha! Gotcha prom tickets eh? Really? HAHAHA! guys miss me after school today? Didya? Didya? I know you did! Pretty unusual that I wasn't there, huh? I know you guys missed me!

Happy weather equates to happy mood. Come spring and air out the dusty corners of my soul!

Yay! Someone's beating me and the blog for hours on end game. Tailz...thank you very much for blogging so much. Now people can't complain about my long blogs because you blog a lot too! Your's are just split into multiple blogs while mind are all lumped together!

Who's a ho! ho! ho!? Not me! Just because you redirect the arrows doesn't mean that you can get rid of your ho-ness!

Cliche of the day: If life hands you lemons, make lemonade!

Monday, April 14, 2003

Ok, something's gotta be up if Kobe's unwilling to go on walks. It's like...what??!! I've never had the experience before where he just stops in his tracks and refuses to move any further forward. I had to turn around and walk back home. Then I tried to pass by the house and see if he'll walk further. Smart dog...he realized where we were and stopped again and refused to budge until I turned to walk up the driveway. it was actually kinda funny how he kept looking at the house and looking ahead as if he couldn't really decide if that was the right house. It wasn't until we nearly passed by the house that he finally realized. Aww.....

Peter! Come feed Kobe! He's not eating again!

*triple sigh* Prom's coming up, I still want a date of my own and my dress is gonna cost at least $500! Oh poo...ppls, i need my money back please! I need mulah to pay for prom.

Stupid economics report, it's way over the word limit and we're still missing so many topics. She better not give us a low mark since she gave us such a broad topic.

Really, I'm trying to think of something to say that doesn't sound like complaining and I really can't think of anything. I mean, I'm even complaining about not being able to find anything to complain about right now.

Do I really get calls in the evening while I nap or do I just dream that my phone rings and I talk to people? It's all a blur.