Saturday, March 29, 2003

Have you ever felt so underappreciated? Well, I have.

Neopets isn't working for me now. Fatez!!! Fix it for me!! I dunno whut's going on!

Is it possible to like someone and have a crush on someone else at the same time without sounding fickle?

Ok, prom date problem half solved. I have a date but sharing with someone else...hey...I want my own date! It's just not the same =(

Stupid calculus teacher got my hopes up today just to have them come crashing back down. She gave back the second tests today and she said to me "you shouldn't be looking so down about it, Julie, you did better than on your last test." I got so excited cuz I was thinking maybe I got an 85% or something. When I got it back, I saw I got 45/55. At first, it didn't really register what mark that was but then I took out my calculator, like the geek that I am, and calculated it. It was 81.8%! Higher than my last test, huh?! I got 82.5% on my last one! And of course, my hopes of boosting up my calc mark for midterms were shattered. It sucks that I'm pushing 80's for calculus. I mean, Bin got 90% with Kuriyama. Peter got 93% without working with Snowball. But then again, they're both brainers, though you wouldn't think Bin was one by looking at him. I wish I had a mind for math. I wish I had Snowball. I found out today that she purposely made her first two tests easy so that everyone's midterm marks would be inflated. Gawd, you gotta love a teacher who would do that for her students.

I got tricked today! Well, almost. If it wasn't for Keith and the rest showing up when they did and Peter saying "Hey Keith, let's go to Timmy's," I prolly wouldn't even have figured it out until we got there that I was being scammed! Ok...getting way ahead of myself. Here's the scoop: Bin and Peter come out from table tennis and when they see me, they're all like "Hey! Julie is here! Okay, let's drive her home!" Honestly, both of them are never this enthusiastic to drive me home, something must have been up. And stupid Bin, who's been to my house before kept pretending he didn't know where I lived and stupid Peter kept giving stupid directions, and Bin, who's never learned to keep his mouth shut, giggled the whole carride. Anyways, we ended up at Tim Horton's. Gee, I wonder how we got there and why we were there. Obviously they wanted me to pay for iced caps. Ah well, I hardly get to talk to Bin so I just bought them the iced caps and sat there and caught up on current news in each other's lives. Peter just kinda half passed out cuz he ping ponged like one and half hours straight. Friggin man,it's $2.86 or something like that for each large iced cap! Ah well, I guess it made up for it tonight when we got 6 large iced caps for free! Wahaha!

I wonder if my mom really knows what time I get home on the weekends. I mean, she prolly thinks I get home at like 1am, when in reality, I don't even step through the door until past 3am. I dun like tricking my mom like that but I don't even notice that it's late anymore when it's 1, especially if 1 isn't even considered late to me on school nights. She prolly doesn't even know that I sleep at 2am on weeknights. LOL, and she wonders why I'm always so tired in the mornings and napping after school.

I'm completely screwed next week. So much work, so little done so far.

Contemplating whether I should continue typing or go to sleep now. Is anyone even still reading at this point?

Ok, so I do have people who regularly read my blog but what I meant was that some people I didn't know read my blog, actually do read it. Weird, what's so interesting about my life that people actually read this?

I'm really in the mood to talk on the phone right now but there's no one to talk to. Well, people are still awake but none that I can talk to. *sigh* I know it's late but I just don't want to sleep.

Have you ever found yourself not liking someone at all, and then for some reason, you get the chance to get to know them, and you find out they really aren't that bad people as you once thought? Yeah, that's kinda happened with one of my friends. He's still so, SO annoying but he's not horrible. Honestly, I wish he sat with Brian again in Data, cuz with him beside me, he doesn't, and I mean DOESN'T let me work. Really, I wanna strangle him sometimes. And it's like he doesn't get the message when you're pissed that you want him to stop taking your pens and pencils and that you want to work! Arg! Go away! Dun sit beside me! Let me work! I'll talk to you outside class! Blah! Haha, does that sound mean? I know it does but I honesetly NEED to work, I dropped 5%!

Ok, just because I did well in English last semester doesn't mean that everyone should be coming to me for help. Honestly, before then, the only I ever did for people was edit essays. Now people want their scrapbooks and journals edited too? See, those things are supposed to be your own work - raw and unedited. And really, not so many people even asked me before. There were only a couple (haha, Tiff Yau, my editing buddy!). Now everyone's coming to me. I don't mind editing essays but the journals and scrapbooks, people should do some things on their own. Yes, I know I did well in English and I'm really proud of myself for that mark but I worked at that, I didn't get people to hold my hand through every single process. All I'm saying is, work to the best of your abilities and learn to rely on your own ideas, annotations, and analyzations. Not everything has to be edited thoroughly. Grammar isn't as important as the content and ideas within the writing.'s been a while since I've blogged a super long blog. Well, here it is. I hope you enjoyed it in its entirety. Leave me a tag. I've got four people tagging me and a whole buncha other people telling me in person that they read my blog. Really, it's not that hard to reach over into the left column and leave a tag there to tell me you read my blog. Or you can on ICQ, but when you tell someone in person, it feels uncomfortable, kinda of embarassing. So yes, tah tah!

Friday, March 28, 2003

Blah blah blah. Wanting to go to sleep but waiting to edit fatez's article summary. Psh, it's only 150 words, how many grammar mistakes can you have? Ah well, hope he's done soon so that I can go to sleep.

Screwed data up! Got a 78% on my 2nd test! ARG! My mark dropped 5%! 5%! Talk about bringing down ur mood.

Got insulted a lot today. At first, I did get angry when I was at school, but when I got home and the insulting continued on the phone, for some odd reason, I wasn't even angry about that anymore. I just found it amusing. Strange considering how sensitive I usually am towards these kinda things.

Anyways, someone indirectly taught me a very good lesson today. When someone is pissing you off, just walk away. Okay, I already knew this lesson before but I never have the strength to reinforce it. Well, maybe it's not about not having the strength. It's more like I run head-on into problems. I'm more of the "deal with the problem right then and there" types of people but that really hasn't worked very well for me, has it?

Everyone's so scared of SARS now. There are like 30 cases reported in the GTA and yet 400+ houses are under quarantine. I don't feel the need to avoid FOB places like First Markham or Pacific Mall. If people really got sick there then they got sick. They aren't there anymore. The bacteria/virus/whatever it is can't stay airborne for more than a day. My dad's in HK now and I don't now when he's coming back or if they'll let him. They can't stop him right? They check him at the airport. I'm not really scared about it. More like I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do when he comes back. Am I supposed to get checked at the doctor's for it too?

Anyways...summary done! Yes! Now I can edit and go to sleep.


Wednesday, March 26, 2003

Taking a break from studying for the economics test. Really, it's been two months into semester two and this is our first test! Ohh...I'm so scared I'll do bad in it! No...this is different from accounting to those of you who are thinking about how I did on that. Economics, Rine style, is pure applying and it's hard and crap cuz she's so tricky! Actually, I've been breaking for about an hour now...I should get back to studying but I wanna relax a bit (or a lot!).

I'm still on a high from getting PERFECT on my accounting test! YESS!!! Wahaha! LOL, I find it funny that Wilson is all "Meh, it's only a perfect, I always get perfects. I should have gotten bonus too" about this test, while I'm like "This is the best day of my life!" Obviously, perfects don't come normally to me.'s been confusing for me the last few days. I was so sure things were spiralling downward but then things seem to be looking a little better now...that is, until I get my calculus test back. I guess it's safe to say that I'm very emotionally unstable - my emotions fluctuate even more than gas prices! I'm still...confused, uncertain about things but I don't seem to be in such a deep a hole as I was before.

Once again, I took another personality test! *Woohoo!* Don't worry, only one this time. Does this sound like me?


Who can resist a cute anime girl? No-one, not even women! You're adorable, innocent, and sweet. You are constantly trying to help others, and you tend to be fairly shy. Stay happy and you'll be fine.

Find out what anime character cliche you are.

Anyways, I'm back to work now. Blah!

Sunday, March 23, 2003

It's almost as if a few weeks ago, the number of people who read my blog suddenly spiked. It went from like 2 hundred something so like 7 hundred something in the span of only a few weeks. Sometimes, I really do wonder who reads this so, if this applies to you, leave me a message on the tag-board! And yesterday, I found out that the person who was the constant reader of my blog wasn't dumcat at all! It was antagonist! LOL, aw...nice to know I have a fan in you!

Sorrie I put you through that in the car tonight, dumcat. At least you saw a rabbit and didn't get it run over by a car! Really, with your record with animals, are you sure you want to be like a vet? Animals are cursed around you! You drowned a turtle!
