Wednesday, November 06, 2002

The worst feeling I've had today was when I felt that something was wrong with a friend and I couldn't do anything to help. While talking to a friend today, they sounded as if they were really down but when I asked about it, they just said that they were tired. I dunno, whenever I want to show concern towards someone, it doesn't seem to work out. I envy those people who kno exactly what to say to cheer someone up or who know how to just talk through a problem without getting too involved to be considered nosy or too distant that it seems like they don't care. I, on the other hand, never know what to say or when to say it. Everything always comes to me in retrospect but what good is that towards my friend?

It's so sad to see everyone going through such a tough time with school, and their social life. I admit, I was so caught up in my own misery that I didn't even notice how others were suffering too. The carefree way that we all lived up until the end of the summer seems to have dissipated and is completely nonexistent now. Instead of going out for the fun of it, everyone wants to go out the escape the pressures of everything around them.

I don't know what to think anymore. I'm still really insecure about the friendships that I've ruined and tried to save. My concern for my social life isn't doing much good for my academics. Just thinking about applying to university makes to want to cry sometimes because I'm so confused about what I want to do. Darn career centres were no help to me last year. I need more time to decide what to go into but it's almost unacceptable to even be thinking about that.

Well despite all my worrying and stressing and depressing, it was actually a pretty nice day today. I went to Michael's with Jess and finally found what I was looking for. And I got a christmas present for tails already...speaking of presents...I have go searching for some now....


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