Tuesday, November 05, 2002

"It is better to have loved and lost
than never to have loved at all"

It's always so sad when people go through this time of indecision, when they are trying to decide whether or not all their waiting and pining for a person is really worth it. Depression is so hard to deal with and it makes you just want to shut everyone out. Speaking from experience, it may not be the best thing to do. You want to be alone during this time of mourning but when it all ends, who can you turn to when you have successfully pushed all your friends away?

The person I'm referring to should know this blog is for them. As for your blog, why close it? People have always told me it's always better to get everything out instead of keeping it all locked up inside, even you told me this. I'm not quite sure why I'm writing this. It doesn't seem like a very good attempt to cheer you up. I guess I'm just letting you know that you're not alone out there, no matter how much you may feel so or seem so. Even if you are by yourself, you aren't really alone because we're all with you in heart and in spirit.

It's such a part of life to have these low moments. And while they may seem like crap right now, you'll appreciate them later. Without these low moments, you can't really appreciate the good ones.

I guess I'm just letting you know you have someone here for you. You can talk to me. If you don't want to talk, then I've got a pretty cushy shoulder to lean on, albeit it's a little on the short side.


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