Saturday, October 26, 2002

Thoughts thoughts thoughts. They are the same things whether they are expressed here or on AsianAvenue or on an entirely different medium right? So many of my friends have amazing pages on AsianAvenue where they express their thoughts and feelings, along with showing off their beautiful pages. I, on the other hand, do not have the talent or patience to maintain an up-to-date AA page. While it may seem as easy as Blogger, it is not. People go to great lengths to escape the generic AA backgrounds and fonts and they succeed in doing so by producing well-crafted web spaces.

There are so many thought-provoking things that my friends write. I admire them so much because they are able to get everything out in such a way that everyone will understand it. Plus, their pages are not boring. I was never good at sharing my thoughts and so my AA page got neglected. Blogger, being so low-maintenance compared to AA, is the perfect place for me to express my thoughts.

So far, many of them have been very dark and depressing (I had another such episode today, BTW, but it's not significant enough right now to get into), but I'm hoping that I'm on the road to ending that vicious cycle.

Right now, I terribly miss some company. I have been holing myself up in my house for so long now that I'm beginning to go crazy. My plans for hot pot this weekend didn't exactly work out cuz 2 outta the 7 couldn't make it. Oh well, what can I do but to push it back? Hopefully, my natural procrastination won't get the better of me.

I'm done for today, it's getting very late. So late that it's becoming early.

Coming up in the next entry: my account of the farm field trip (baaaa), and dumcat's first model tryout (which you will also get from his blog, no doubt)


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