Sunday, October 20, 2002

Wow, my head is pounding like crazy! I'm sooo relieved that I've finished my Besieged response and my personal writing. I'm just taking a break now before I get cracking on my cahier. Hopefully that won't take too long because I want to read some Ragtime before I go off to sleep tonight.

I've had the hugest emotional roller coaster ride this weekend. I was so....I dunno, words can't even describe it. I'm happy to report that I've had a normal day today though (Pat on the back for Julie). I should give myself one of those sticker stars for every day that I get through normally. I can build myself a collection.

Sam Tam, I love that girl because she cracks me up like a crab. A hole the size of a mug is not small! And parking beside the car right after you rammed it is also not a good idea. Good luck on ur road test on Friday. HAHA!

Ah...I've come to accept the fact that my blog is not as popular as dumcat's. Actually, I really don't mind because I think I'd rather not have people reading my private thoughts. However, if they were strangers who didn't know me, that would be a different story. Anyways, short and sweet, gotta go finish up English now.

Remember kids, wash behind your ears.


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