Monday, October 07, 2002

Darn that dumcat. He won't tell me who this girl is that he is talking about and it is killing me! It's true, curiosity did kill the cat. One of my flaws I guess is my abundance of curiosity, which sometimes is a bit intrusive but hey, I can't help myself. And yes dumcat, I do write long entries but I don't save it up to write like one day a week or something. I write whenever I have time, and whether that's everyday or every week, my entries would still be this long! Muahahahahaha! Sorry dumcat, I guess you'll just have to practice NOT falling asleep when you read my entries.

Actually, today's entry might be a bit short. I don't have many thoughts to write about today. Actually, I need to make a list of things I need to buy before I forget it all. First of all, I want more jeans, which I think my mom will give me money next week to buy. Second, I want that bulletin board from Costco. It's a bit smaller than other standard ones but it comes with markers, eraser, and magnets. And it's only $15 compared to the ones at Business Depot which are like $30. I need a scrapbook for my English, which I should get started on, and some post-it notes. I want those ones that come in shapes like half moons and hearts and arrows. Those are so cool! Anything else? Oh yeah, I want new shoes too. They're getting old and ugly but I think I won't make that a priority until they really get gross. Ok, now that that's down on paper (uh...), I can get on with my thoughts.

I had a couple friends surprise me around midnight yesterday. Actually, midnight this morning but who really thinks in that way? They stuck around for 15 minutes and we just chatted in my family room. It was nice to be able to hang out with people again, even if it was for such a short period. I've been such a recluse in my house lately that I've forgotten how nice it is to interact with friends. What I was wondering though after they left was how did they know that I was home? I mean, if they shows up and my doorstep and then called me to open the door, but I was out with other people, wouldn't their trip have been pointless? Ok, I understand they were trying to surprise me but that was just a thought that I had. Anyways, I was happy they came. I was so bored last night and the time was passing so slowly!

I had little homework tonight. I told myself I would work on my English, which I have been putting off for who knows how long now, but I just can't get down to it. Actually, I haven't even cracked open my English stuff yet and I don't plan on doing any tonight too. I don't think I'm putting it off purposely. It's just that I can't think of anything to write. I have no inspiration. It's like I've hit a writer's block the size of a downtown city block. Maybe it's because I get all my thoughts down here that I have nothing to write about for English. Does that mean that I should stop writing here? At least for a little while? I don't know if I can do it. I mean, all my loyal fans out there (with a total of one) are waiting for my entries. Besides, I'm actually really getting into this although I was reluctant at first.

I finally had my caramel toffee delato today and it was VERY yummy. Still haven't satisfied my craving for Mickey D's yet but I'm hoping to on Monday. See, this is why diets don't work for me. I give in to my cravings (which I read was what you should do because you'll just eat other stuff to substitute and you'll keep eating until you quell the craving, and that just makes you gain even more weight) and I also love food too much. Speaking of, I had gong dum today (a Vietnamese rice dish), and the shrimp were humongous! Honestly, the head was at least 4 inches long and the tail had the circumference of my fist. And it was very tasty, all thanks to my mom's wonderful talent in cooking. I should learn some of these things so that I can cook for myself and for my children too. Baking is so much easier than cooking! I wish I could do both.

I should probably get to work on my Christmas presents if I plan on getting them all done by then but I've just not had any time to work on them. Besides, I've been completely inspirationless, hence the block in the writing. If not, then I hafta start saving money if I hope to buy everyone presents. And start planning what to get everyone. Oh *sigh*

BTW, I'm trying to decide whether or not I should highlight my hair. Dying my whole head would be too drastic so I'm just hoping for a little colour. But I'm afraid it will look weird on me and if I do highlight my hair, what colour what I do it? Oh the dilemma.

Anyways, I'm done for the day. Until next time...stay clean and don't forget to wash, rinse and repeat.


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