Saturday, October 19, 2002

I finished my personal essay and revising my Besieged reponse. All I have to do now is to get those edited really thoroughly. Two down, ten million more to do. I can't believe I did homework on a Friday. That's not at all like my character.

I could have gone out today. He actually went out today. The one day that I couldn't, he decides to go out. What's up with that? Darn dumcat, you were supposed to call me after you finished dance. I said I'll see if I can come out if I'd finished a lot by then. Whatever, I'm not mad at you if that's what you're thinking. *sigh* Ah well, what can I do about it now? Complaining never gets you anywhere. Anyways, it's alright, it's probably for the better anyway. Darn essay turned out to be 1400 words on the dot. It's 200 words over the limit but I'm sure he can handle that, right? Better than Sam Tam's 2000 word essay.

My eyes are killing me. They have been for the whole week. Maybe the sleep deprivation at the beginning of the week is beginning to catch up to me. *sigh* I'm in a crappy mood again, oh joy to the world. Finding a new columnist to write about is hella hard. The ones who write well are either taken, missing, or dead and the rest write about things that are unworthy of analysis. After reading, what, 6 columnists from the Star, I got tired. There are still like 50 more to go plus the ones in the other newspapers. Oh joy, oh joy. I feel like singing my heart out but there doesn't seem to be any song that fits my mood. There aren't any new songs for me either. Possibly this is because I don't really listen to the radio and don't really know anything new. There is that new Missy Elliot one though that sounds really weird. Totally don't understand what she is singing about. Where's my song, dumcat? That balloon thingymabobber?

Keeping this short, just like how you like it, dumcat. I gotta go read stupid Ragtime now. Darn novel does not make sense!

Fill the world with flowers and frolic through it.


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