Thursday, February 20, 2003

warg! ho sun foo ah! I'm sick and i have 2 (read it, TWO!) tests tomorrow that i need to study for. I really can't afford to be taking breaks but I really need this or else I'll go crazy. Still can't figure out the username to my other blog and it's bugging me like crazy! another thing that's totally bugging me is that i can't figure out how the heck you factor x^5-y^5. Uh....can you say geek? I know, I know, but it's really bugging me. Besides, Peter said that in order to really do well in math, u need to fully understand it right? Well, if I wanna get more than 67% (which is what I got on my first quiz), I better start understanding and fast! Stupid Peter, help me! help me! Haha, like he reads my blog in the first place!

But hey, a girl's allowed to be weird when she's sick.

Haha "little guy". Funny how Ms. Rine has to point out everything we do. I just didn't understand that pencil thing, ok? Weird looks are allowed to be passed between people. Especially when I'm sick and therefore, am allowed to be weird. Weird looks go very well with weird-acting girls.

Wow, I like what I just said to dumcat. "I need a break or else I'm gonna break". Haha, oh the double meaning of words. What's it called again? Denotation? Annotation? Ah well, English is over, I don't hafta worrie about that. But some people still do! Haha dumcat. Very lame statement but very true.

Ok, weirdness done for today. If I blog any longer, I'll just ramble on forever and not get back to work.

"Until next time, keep fit and have fun!"
- Hal Johnson and Johanne McCleod from those Body Break commercials


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