Thursday, February 20, 2003

arg!! i'm so frustrated right now! calculus and killing me, i haven't had time to do data yet and prolly won't have time tonight and i can't figure out my username to my other blog!

yes, i have another blog. Actually, i made that one long before i had this one. feel free to visit it at I must warn you though, there really isn't anything there and I can't figure out my user name! got any suggestions? feel free to tell me. sigh, i signed up for a tagboard today. i think they're cool but currently, they're down for some reason. ah well, it's not like i can get up until felix does it for me anyway. yep...i give my password out to ppl. Well, technically i don't but it's not hard to figure out. Really.

anyways...i guess i should go back to work...or back to trying to figure out my other blog's username


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