once again, i am up late doing somebody else's work while they sleep. Do I mind doing favours for my friends? No. Do I mind the fact that they are sleeping while I'm slaving away at the computer? Yes. Why? Because not once have I ever received such a favour from him. Now that I think about it, what has Peter ever done for me that took more effort than stepping on a gas pedal? Um...probably nothing. If you can think of something, please tell me. I would love to have a reason to not resent a friend. You're not supposed to resent friends but right now, that's how I'm feeling.
Anyway, job interview tomorrow. Oh no...what will she ask? What should I wear? I hope I get hired. Anyways...time to sleep now...good night.
Has anyone ever noticed any other constellation besides Orion and Casseiopeia in the winter sky? Oh and maybe the Big Dipper? Maybe my astronomy skills just suck, but I just can't find them. Speaking of resentment, I resent learning about weather instead of astronomy in Grade 10. But then again, I can now predict when it will be cold or warm.
Friday, February 28, 2003
"And you are...?" "fei" You just gotta be there.
Song of the Moment: Mariah Carey - We Belong TogetherAbout Me
- Name: j.why
- Location: Markham, Ontario, Canada
Gen Y crafter, stamper, cardmarker, gardener, yogi, grad student, food lover, food activist, and many other things.
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