Friday, March 14, 2003

I'm done! I'm done! No more little kids! Ahh....they were crazy! Ahh...I actuallly had fighters today! Ok, not real fighters but arguers and we had to split them up. Arg...I never know what to do when kids fight, I dun wanna punish them but it's gonna be done! One thing I've noticed is that it's always the Chinese ones who don't wanna do anything. And it's not just any Chinese kid, it's the ones who come with siblings. For example, for the last five days, Michael and Vanessa has not wanted to do anything. Actually, you can kinda tell Vanessa wanted to join in but she always just did whatever Michael did. That was how Gloria and Joanne were like too! Aww...Gloria was all unhappy and unwilling to do anything today and so Joanne didn't do anything either! It's so sad when you see how Joanne really, really wanted to play but since her big sister wasn't playing, she didn't wanna play either.

The kid I'm gonna miss the most has got to be Mei Ni. She is honestly the cutest little kids ever! Today was "A Day at the Fair" and we had a clown come in to entertain the kids. The thing is, Mei Ni is terrified of clowns and her mom was supposed to come pick her up before the clown came but the clown came early! Mei Ni saw the clown and immediately said "I don't like clowns". But she looked so confused. At first, she looked like she was gonna cry but then afterward, she just seemed kinda confused cuz she didn't really seem afraid of the clown. In the end, she was jumping and screaming along with all the other kids, demanding to have a balloon hat made for her! Aw...I'm so gonna miss that kid! LOL, her mom looked so surprised when she walked in seeing Mei Ni enjoying the clown so much!

*sigh* I'm just taking some time blogging while I wait to go to Flora's house to watch an Edison movie. Mmm...Edison... *droolz* If only I had a nice, hot boyfriend who'll buy me flowers. I don't know why I even like flowers so much, they just seem so romantic to give. LOL, the classic date gift. Hmm, haven't yet gotten any flowers from guys but I'm still so happy about those 18 roses from my girls. Think it's about time to flip them back over yet? They've been drying for a very long time.

See, I've always been able to picture what romantic gifts guys can get for their girls but what romantic gift can a girl get her guy? Flowers? Not really. A necklace? Uh....I don't really think so. Cologne? Mmm....a nice smelling guy, that'll be killing two birds with one stone. Your guy gets a nice gift and you get a guy that smells great.

Ah...guys with cologne are so.....*sigh* Honestly, guys need to learn to invest in some good cologne and learn how to put it on. No trigger-happy fingers please! Mm...I remember at the karaoke place, Jack smelled so good! LoL, sorrie dumcat, sorrie Flora, Jack's mine! Muahahaha.

You know, life's a real bitch but I'm honestly trying to cope. It's hard when you depend so much on someone who doesn't want you to depend on them. I'm glad I finally found someone who went through the exact same thing as me and can relate to me when I talk about it. I think my period has screwed up my hormones and consequently, my emotions, this week. My period's going and I'm feeling a little more light-hearted. I still don't know what to do though. Even if I do wanna find another person to be my confidante, it's not easy to just...switch. It's just not done like that.

I don't wanna continue, I'll just get depressed if I think about it more.

BTW, I took a self-test at to determine whether or not I have obsessive-compulsive disorder, but it doesn't really tell you a result. So how many yeses do you hafta check off before you're considered suffering from OCD?

Song of the Moment: There You'll Be - Faith Evans


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