Sunday, May 04, 2003

I realize that this is three days late but Happy Birthday, Spencah! I haven't been on the computer the whole weekend until now, hope you liked the surprise party that Brad planned for you.

X-Men 2. Yep...they changed a lot of stuff from the original story but I still thought it was good. If you look at this as an isolated movie that isn't connected to any other story, I'd think it'd actually be pretty good but since it was connected to something that they completely didn't stick to the orignal plot, they ruined it for some people. *sigh* Those hot guys! Yum...I wish I had mutant powers.

Wonderland yesterday! Yeah, Psyclone was built last year but I didn't get to go on it then. It's such a fun ride! The butterfly feeling is so strong on that ride and u feel like you go upside down when you don't. And yes, I did see my dad while eating dinner last night at the same restaurant, which was a little weird but not unusual considering my dad's out with his friends even more than I am! We prolly coulda gone on more rides yesterday if everyone wasn't already pooped out from Spencer's birthday the day before but oh well, I still had tons of fun.

LOL, thanks for letting me sleep on ur bed, Bradley though I wasn't quite awake when I walked home last night. It was kinda scary...when I got onto Greystone, there was this car parked in the driveway with the headlights still on. Then as I got closer the lights went off but the person was still sitting in the car. I was so scared it was a stalker or some crazed murderer or something cuz the person kept staring at me as I was walking home, and I couldn't understand why he didn't get out of the car and go into the house. And when I got home, I fell asleep before I could watch my late night cartoon, X-Men: Evolution. Poo...anyways...tired, gotta go annotate someone's English now then get to sleep


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