Thursday, June 05, 2003

Done the report. Haven't started the presentation or studying for accounting test. I really don't want to pull an all-nighter but it looks as though I just have to. Poo. I'm just taking a short break before I break down.

You know what's sad? When you realize that someone you consider a very good friend (possibly a best friend?) doesn't care about you. Like, at all. How depressing is that?

You kow what good, though? Eating egg tart at 1:30 in the morning. Yum...buttery crust.

I really envy peple who are able to deal with stress so well. I' near breakdown point...very close..I'm just counting down the days until school is over. The sad part is? I know that once I go off to university, a lot of the people that I talk to now won't be there and I won't make much of an effort to keep in touch with many of them. While it's true that I do have my group of close friends but there are so many other people that I won't be seeing.

I nearly broke down when I got those thin envelopes from Waterloo today. And then I opened them...I wasn't accepted because my English Language test marks were insufficient? since when did I have to take the TOEFL? Funny how I never knew that English wasn't my first language. Good thing I called them back. Thanks to someone who was there with me when I got those rejections, although you were probably only there so that you could laugh at me. So...gonna sit myself down with my acceptances this weekend and decide where to go. First choice...Western...second...UT/Waterloo..*sigh*

Got invited to a FOB b-day party this saturday. The thing is, I really don't know them too well and the ones that I do know won't be there because they'll be dancing in a performance! go or not to go? Seems kinda disrespectful to not go just because I think I'll feel uncomfortable but then again, would they really care if I went? Besides...I already agreed to chip in for the present. Hmm....

Trying to keep a positive attitude. It works when I don't think about my problems. Then again, when my problems to resurface in my consiousness, I panic. I literally feel my heart squeeze and feel the panic race through my veins. Ugh, the horror.


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