Thursday, March 06, 2003

i'm on the computer cuz i need a rest from taking notes but is it really rest if my fingers are still moving but are typing instead of writing?

it's been another one of those "i need to blog, or else i'll explode" days. a word of advice, never start the day out being yelled at. or getting the car stuck in the driveway. anyone willing to listen to me complain today heard the whole story soo....i'm not going to rehash. besides...i'll just get all stirred up again and then i won't be able to work.

but really, was i really to know that there was a snowstorm? it honestly looked like 2 inches of snow against the garage. how was i to know the snow grew to like a foot deep 10 feet farther out? brother said "be careful when you're driving tomorrow, it's snowing", he didn't say "don't drive out tomorrow, it's snowing." besides...he had no school or work today so why couldn't he go for an oil change?

and day has been horrible. i went through the whole day dreading being yelled at when i get home, dreading pulling an all-nighter to finish my assignments, dreading being yelled at by people in bad moods. it's so hard to make it through the day all tensed up and tiptoeing around so as to not step on anyone's toes.

honestly, i've wanted to have a good cry (or scream) the whole day but that's not exactly school-time activity. really, when i really need to cry and relieve tension, i can't. and yet, when i'm watching a sappy movie, it's not unusual i'll end up soaked and puffy-eyed by the end. *sigh* the crazy working's of my body. (btw, dont' be concerned. crying is good for you when the need calls for it).

now...what else do i hafta do? study some more for my econ quiz...pop do you reduce demand-pull inflation? ans: when using fiscal policy, have surplus budget and when using monetary policy, have tight policy. but what's that better measurement of blah blah blah (BMEW)? um...*shrugs* therefore, i need to study more

i need a few more pages of written notes then i could start doing the highlighting and commenting thing.

and....last but not least...accoutning assignment. sucky thing is, my printer has no colour ink! arg! poo...

and i'm not even gonna get to calc today. poo...oh more day!

aw...i love Carisa. she gave me a whole buncha games and songs! woohoo! cept...dunno if i know the tunes to the songs...oh well...i still love her anyway for helping me.

ok...back to stupid work.



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